1998 The Year of Gwyneth "A Perfect Murder"

"A Perfect Murder"

The next film in the Year of Gwyneth is a remake of the Alfred Hitchcock film "Dial M for Murder" entitled "A Perfect Murder".  Directed by Andrew Davis and starring Michael Douglas leaning on his Gordon Gekko character from "Wall Street" as a ruthless New York City stockbroker, although he goes by Steven Taylor in this film.  His young trophy wife Emily has gotten bored with him and has wrapped herself up in a steamy affair with the handsome and rugged artist David.  Once David wises up to her infidelities he hatches a plan to take care of everything.

The themes and storylines are pretty basic but are done quite well by all of those involved.  It's all about the cat and mouse games being played by all three characters and who knows what and at what time.  Steven is a cunning and smart man who researches David's past and comes up with some pretty unsettling information.  He then offers a deal to David that he can't refuse.  Steven's grand scheme to murder Emily goes awry and leaves him in a vulnerable position as David now tries to pull off a plan of his own.

Although Emily was attacked she doesn't fall into the poor victim category for very long.  She and Steven spend some time in the country to recuperate, but the gears in his mind are always grinding away.  He meets with David and their inner chess match continues, although Steven has never lost a game and David is just cocky enough to give him a run for his money both literally and figuratively.  Emily returns home still a little jumpy and on edge but knows that something just doesn't add up.  She begins to suspect that Steven is hiding something and does some investigating of her own.  As Steven and David's confrontations come to an end its time for Emily put up a fight as well.

"A Perfect Murder" is entertaining and fun to watch, with decent performance and good pacing throughout.  There might be a few holes here and there but for a movie that was released along with all the Summer blockbusters, it's a welcomed treat.