"Toys are Not For Children" is a Vintage 70s Exploitation Experience!


This piece of early 70s exploitation is perfect for late-night viewing.  Its trashy grindhouse aesthetic and lurid subject matter, while not completely over the top makes for a fun viewing experience.  Directed by Stanley Brassloff and Starring Marcia Forbes this movie can also be found with the alternate title “How to Make Love to a Virgin”.

The movie follows Jamie Godard a young and emotionally stunted woman who has never gotten over the abandonment of her father when she was a little girl.  She has since developed a rather unwholesome attachment to the toys he had given her.  She has also suffered emotionally and psychologically at the hands of her overbearing mother who has poisoned her mind about men.  During the course of the film, we get a number of traumatizing flashbacks of Jamie’s youth.  She currently works at a toy store (obviously) and gets into a relationship with a male co-worker, Charlie, who she eventually marries.  Their wedding night is quite awkward as she is afraid to have sex and can only be comforted by one of the toys her father bought her, A nutcracker soldier.

Earlier in the movie, Jamie makes a connection while helping a woman pick out a toy.  Her name is Pearl and she is from the city, she marvels at Jamie’s innocence and purity.  Jamie is fascinated by the big city and asks if she can visit her sometime and Pearl agrees.  We find out that Pearl is a prostitute who lives with her greasy sleazeball of a pimp, Eddie.  After a few intense runs ins with him, they eventually have sex while Pearl is away.  Soon after Janie gets her hair cut and starts to take on clients of her own where she likes to act out her daddy fantasies with her Johns.  Pearl is devastated, not to mention her husband Charlie.  Charlie is so angry and blinded by jealousy her forces himself on her for their first time together.

*Spoiler Alert*

Janie has always been a girl whose been used and abused her whole life by other people and her choice to become a prostitute I guess lets her gain back some sense of self-control, but then there is still Eddie.  With Janie now being Eddie’s top girl, he kicks Pearl to the curb.  Although she hatches an absolutely diabolical plan to get revenge on Janie.  She tracks down her father, another local sleazeball, and sets him up with a date with the “new girl”.  When the night comes and unknown to the both of them Janie plays her Daddy fantasy with her real father.  After the incestuous climax, so to speak, we get that moment of realization.  It’s basically the same ending as Park Chan-wook’s 2003 classic “Old Boy”.  Janie is once again rejected by her father.  Like I mentioned in the beginning this is a great midnight movie for anyone who likes that grimey 70s style grindhouse aesthetic.